Trex arms sidecar shirt guard
Trex arms sidecar shirt guard

trex arms sidecar shirt guard

The attachment points for magazines, cuffs, flashlights, knives, tourniquets, or anything else you can think of and print is a cool feature, albeit one I suspect most people wont utilize to its fullest. I think this is a great move and I’d like to see more manufacturers taking a similar approach to their setups. They even open sourced the spine designs so manufacturers can make their own attachments or you can 3D print your own. It is completely flexible and allows for swapping out attachments. The spine is obviously the unique point on this holster. I don’t know if they make them in house or source them from somewhere else, but wherever they come from, they are good. The clips are also better quality than many other holsters I have and I’ve had no issues with them bending or losing their spring over time.


After a bit of trial and error, I found that height that works for me with the right mix of concealment and access. The adjustability out of the box is also good with multiple mounting holes for both the holster and sidecar and I never felt the need to take a drill to it in order to get it to fit right. The flexibility takes the pressure of the belt and the wearer’s body to make a more comfortable setup than either the bungee cord or hard molded ones I have. I have a few sidecar setups and this is by far my favorite when it comes to comfort.

Trex arms sidecar shirt guard